Australian dessert with a meringue base, topped with fresh cream and fruit. This is a recipe that I have experimented with and all my friends and family...
In this elegant dessert, a crisp white meringue layer is filled with whipped cream and fresh fruit. To keep your meringue from being flat and grainy, try...
Elegant perfectly describes this crisp-on-the outside, marshmallow-soft-on-the-inside puff, crowned luxuriously with cream, strawberries and a drizzle...
Beautiful and light meringue based dessert. Excellent for Valentine's day and Christmas. I often make individual servings using a coffee mug for a pattern....
Pavlova is a wonderful meringue-based dessert named for the legendary Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova. Pavlova is commonly served with a fruit component,...
It's tough making dessert for someone cutting back on gluten and dairy. Luckily, pavlovas are gluten free and really easy. The toppings are easy to customize...
This recipe is a family favorite which is often made at dinner parties and is a Christmas table regular. Its crunchy meringue outside and marshmallow center...
A pavlova is a fresh fruit dessert with a meringue crust and cream filling. The 'deluxe' in this recipe refers to the passion fruit, which can be pricey....
This heavenly dessert was my Grandmother's recipe, and there are never any leftovers. The sweet meringue and the salty crust just compliment each other....
A baked meringue is topped with banana slices, caramel sauce and whipped cream. This is a delicious combination of two very yummy desserts making one that...
Australians and New Zealanders both claim Pavlova and this recipe is so easy it feels like cheating! I first had it when a friend brought it to our final...
This dessert is absolutely gorgeous! It is easy to make, and simply heaven! Use different fruit combinations for variety - strawberries and blueberries,...
In this elegant dessert, a crisp white meringue layer is filled with whipped cream and fresh fruit. To keep your meringue from being flat and grainy, try...
Australians and New Zealanders both claim Pavlova and this recipe is so easy it feels like cheating! I first had it when a friend brought it to our final...